Eine Welt Netz NRW – (eine-welt-netz-nrw.de): INTERNATIONAL DEBATE SERIES
„The member states of the European Union have agreed on a reform of the Common European Asylum System after years of deadlock. This is an unprecedented compromise that demonstrates Europe’s ability to act together when the will is there. The negotiations were about nothing less than overcoming Europe’s deep divisions and the future of the Schengen Area. For the federal government, it was clear: We want to save the Europe of open borders. To do this, the EU’s external borders must be reliably controlled.“
(BMI – Asylum and Refugee Protection – Facts on the Reform of the Common European Asylum System (GEAS) (bund.de))
This is how it is stated on the pages of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community.
- What is the reality at Europe’s borders?
- Are we completely undermining the Geneva Convention with the new EU asylum agreement?
- What further steps might be taken by the EU states?
Many EU states are closely watching the United Kingdom. In 2024, the UK Parliament approved an agreement with Rwanda. It states that Rwanda is a safe country of origin and all asylum seekers – not only Rwandese asylum seekers – can be deported there. To what extent do such agreements conflict with other global human rights and asylum agreements? What is the situation like in the countries at Europe’s borders, but also in Rwanda?
- Birgit Sippel (SPD representative in the European Parliament)
- Azizou Chéhou (from „Alarm Phone Sahara (APS),“ Niger)
- Claver Nzirorera (CSU committee member, German – Rwandan) Facilitation: Monika Hoegen (journalist, moderator, expert in international communication)
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Contact: Hannah Fischer, Mail:
We look forward to your participation.
Both questions and opinions are welcome in the discussion. Only through dialogue can we grow together and learn from each other. However, inhumane attitudes have no place in the international debates. We ask for a respectful and dignified discussion and look forward to the exchange.